How to Make Marijuana Tea
Many people believe that the only way to enjoy cannabis is by smoking, vaping, or eating edibles, but marijuana tea is a delicious alternative to these methods. This article will see what cannabis tea is, what benefits and effects it offers, how to calculate the ideal dose, how to prepare it, and the best strains to make it.
Marijuana tea could become your new favourite way to enjoy your daily dose of THC or CBD.
A psychonaut friend may have already told you about magic mushroom tea, but have you ever heard of cannabis tea? Smoking and vaping are good ways to get your cannabis fix, but some people can’t physically stand the hot smoke or steam going through their airways.
So if you’ve been looking for a way to enjoy cannabis that soothes your throat instead of damaging it, marijuana tea (also called “canna tea”) can be a great addition to your routine.
Advantages of Marijuana Tea
Although you might think that the benefits of this tea coincide with the help of cannabis in general, there are several things to mention specifically about its consumption in the form of tea.
Feeling of Relaxation
To begin with, if having tea and enjoying cannabis relaxes you, imagine the relaxing sensations you will experience when enjoying both at the same time. By not worrying about inhaling the hot smoke or steam, you will be considerably more satisfied. Indeed, the drink can also be hot, but if you drink it little by little and add butter or milk, it should be more manageable.
You may feel more relaxed if you opt for a caffeine-free tea, such as chamomile, peppermint, or ginger tea. To enhance the relaxing effects, we suggest using an indica cannabis strain, or one that contains terpenes such as myrcene and linalool. Although this could be too sleepy for some people, be careful when taking the tea if you use a strain of cannabis that you are not familiar with.
Promotes Healthy Digestion
In addition to helping us relax, drinking certain teas can keep our gastrointestinal tract functioning properly. Herbal teas are considered especially useful. Still, each person will have a different experience, and it will take some experimentation to find the perfect tea to support your inner function.
Soothes Throat
Most of us are used to scratching our throats when enjoying cannabis, whether from smoking or vaping (although the latter method is less harmful). However, by drinking marijuana tea, you may find that it soothes your throat rather than damaging it. Although cannabis itself is not responsible for this, your throat will enjoy the (moderate) heat of the tea. In this sense, green tea and chamomile are the tea that is considered most effective.
How to Make Marijuana Tea: 2 Methods
While it’s not as simple as putting a tea bag in a mug, making your marijuana tea is pretty straightforward. You only need a few essential ingredients (the tea you usually drink and a little ground herb) and less than 30 minutes to prepare and wait.
The cannabis butter method (easy and practical)
- 1g of ground cannabis
- 1 tea bag (whatever type you prefer)
- 1 tablespoon of cannabis butter or marijuana coconut oil
- ½ saucepan of water
- (Optional) honey, sugar, cinnamon
- Tea or coffee strainer
- Before making the tea, you must decarboxylate the ground cannabis, placing it in the oven at 115 ° C for 45 minutes. You can do this beforehand to minimize waiting time. Performing this step will make the infusion more powerful.
- Boil some water in the saucepan. Use at least two cups’ boiled water to make sure you have enough.
- Add the butter (or coconut oil) to the water and stir while you wait for the butter to dissolve completely.
- Add the ground and decarboxylated herb to the butter and water mixture.
- Diminish the temperature and simmer for a minimum of 15 minutes. As with regular tea, the longer you steep the mixture, the more potent it will be.
- Put the filter over the cup or kettle.
- Add the desired amount of tea.
- Add the teabag of your choice to get the desired flavour and effects.
- You can add additional ingredients like sugar, honey, cinnamon, milk, etc., to flavour.
- Let the tea steep so that it can be infused appropriately.
- Enjoy it!
Tea with milk and cannabis (made from scratch and ideal for social gatherings)
Ingredients (for 4 glasses of 200ml each)
- 7gm of finely ground buds or 14gm of trimmings (decarboxylated)
- 15gm room temperature butter (or 30ml preheated coconut oil)
- 400ml of whole milk (or almond milk, etc.)
- 400ml of water
- Tea leaves
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 4 tablespoons of honey
- A pinch of cinnamon
- Metal Tea Infuser
- Decarboxylated cannabis.
- Mix well the vegetable matter, milk, vanilla essence and butter (or coconut oil). Let this blend sit at room temperature for about 1 hour.
- Next, pour the mixture into a pot, add water and place the metallic tea infuser (previously filled with leaves) in the centre. Let it simmer for about 20 minutes, ensuring that the temperature is low to medium and does not boil uncontrollably.
- Filter the “milk tea” through a fine strainer to remove all plant matter. You can improve its flavour by adding a tablespoon of honey, a pinch of cinnamon or whatever you prefer.
Types of marijuana tea
Although the recipes we’ve shown are based on using ground cannabis flowers, you can make tea from (practically) any part of the plant. If you’ve grown the entire marijuana plant, why not take advantage of each of its features?
Buds should be the go-to option when making cannabis tea. These contain the highest cannabinoids and terpenes to produce the most potent tea possible.
The downside to this is that you don’t have an infinite amount of buds, and if you limit yourself to making your tea exclusively with buds, it will become quite an expensive habit in the long run.
When the harvest arrives, you will have more leaves than buds in your hands. There are usually no other uses for them, but they work very well for making cannabis tea.
You can add the dried and decarboxylated leaves directly to the water or heat them in a little coconut oil. If you choose the latter method, the oil can absorb the cannabinoids present, making the resulting tea considerably more potent than it would be otherwise. Even then, the relative dearth of cannabinoids and terpenes in the leaves (compared to the buds) means that cannabis leaf-based teas will be less potent overall.
You sure have some stalks piled up somewhere, and now you finally have a way to take advantage of them. Although they may seem like discards, you will be surprised how many cannabinoids you can extract. To make a kettle, you will need a decent amount, about five grams, although you can also get that amount easily with a bit of manicure residue or medium quality buds.
Ready-to-drink teas
If you don’t want to make your tea, you can buy one already prepared. Soon, cannabis drinks will be available everywhere, and there are already some teas on the market. In particular, CBD teas can be found online and in stores in many places, as this relaxing cannabinoid i an excellent complement to a hot infusion.
What can you mix with marijuana tea?
When you make your tea, you have the luxury of choosing what you want to mix it with, which can significantly alter the experience. But don’t give it too much thought; Anything you usually put in your tea will go perfectly with your marijuana tea.
If you want a softer high, you can make a natural tea. But THC is not soluble in water, so you won’t be able to take advantage of everything in your plant material. However, if you are not meticulous about the dose and want something quick and relaxing, this natural tea will come in handy.
Butter or oil
For a more robust and long-lasting high, we recommend adding butter or oil. THC doesn’t like water, but it loves fat; therefore, the fat from the butter or oil will combine with the cannabinoids so that you can take advantage of all of them.
If you are scanning for a fast way to increase the high, the idea is to add a couple of drops of tincture to the tea. Although typically not as potent as marijuana butter, tinctures can give you a tremendous high and are easier to add to tea in a pinch. However, they can alter the flavour, so don’t forget to add a little more honey, sugar, lemon, etc., to improve the taste.
Calculate the dose per cup
If you make your tea, its THC content will vary depending on the strain of cannabis you are using. For getting a rough idea, use this general rule of thumb: add 0 to the end of the THC percentage of your weed. For example, if your buds have 15% THC, the cup of tea will contain about 150mg of THC for every gram of herb used.
If you are a beginning consumer, we recommend that you start with a small dose and gradually increase the dose in small amounts each time you enjoy a tea.
Effects of cannabis tea
As with marijuana edibles, the effects of cannabis tea take a while to appear. The sensations experienced will depend on the type of tea you are drinking and the variety of cannabis used to make the tea.
The appearance of the effects
Typically, after drinking marijuana tea, you will have to wait 30 to 90 minutes before feeling the effects, although, for some people, it can take up to two hours.
For example, those with less body fat may feel the effects earlier than people with more fat, and short people may feel it earlier than tall people. On the other hand, if you take cannabis tea for the first time, you may start to notice the effects sooner, while those who use it regularly will need more time before feeling the effects.
Non-psychotropic teas (CBD tea)
Instead of making tea with varieties rich in THC, you can make a CBD tea. As we’ve already mentioned, you can find CBD tea in cannabis stores or make it yourself. Unlike high-THC tea, CBD tea will not get you high but will offer you the same well-known and appreciated effects that CBD provides in other ways.
On the other hand, you can prepare CBD tea with tinctures that you would typically drink under the tongue (sublingual consumption). The tea will mask the tincture’s bitter taste, and adding honey, milk, or flavouring will make it virtually undetectable on the palate.